Viejo Indecente Tobala is made from 100% Agave potatorum (maguey Tobala) in San Isidro Guishe, within the district of Miahuatlán, Oaxaca.

Brand | Mezcal Viejo Indecente
Mezcalero | Jose Lucas
Agave Species | Agave Potatorum (tobalá)
Agave Variety | Tobala
Country | Mexico
State | Oaxaca
Mezcal Category | Mezcal Artesanal
Roast | Steam oven
Crush | Tahona
Fermentation | Wood tanks
Distillation | Alembic copper stills, double distilled
Mezcalero | Jose Lucas
Agave Species | Agave Potatorum (tobalá)
Agave Variety | Tobala
Country | Mexico
State | Oaxaca
Mezcal Category | Mezcal Artesanal
Roast | Steam oven
Crush | Tahona
Fermentation | Wood tanks
Distillation | Alembic copper stills, double distilled