Palmilla is the Sonorense name for Sotol and you can definitely taste that it’s the same plant that grows in the DO in Chihuahua, Durango, and Coahuila but the combination of the Bacanora style distilling and the a different growing environment makes for a very distinct spirit. Pay attention to the lots on the Mazot Palmilla, the lot that these tasting notes are based on was made in Summer 2019 but there are additional lots from December 2019 and the winter of 2020 which will be making their way to the market soon and each have distinct flavor

Brand | Mazot
Mezcalero | Manuel Chacon Sr., Sinohe Chacon Ezrre
Agave Species | Dasylirion wheeleri
Mezcal Category | Sotol
ABV | 47%
Tasting Notes | Click for Tasting Notes
Mezcalero | Manuel Chacon Sr., Sinohe Chacon Ezrre
Agave Species | Dasylirion wheeleri
Mezcal Category | Sotol
ABV | 47%
Tasting Notes | Click for Tasting Notes