Guerra Seca Sotol is produced by Edmundo Enriquez using Dasylirion leiophyllum in Chihuahua City, Chihuahua, Mexico. Plants older than 15 years are selected to guarantee full maturity for maximum sugar extraction. The plants are harvested by hand with an axe with the stems left in the field to compost.

Brand | Guerra Seca
Mezcalero | Edmundo Enriquez
Country | Mexico
State | Chihuahua
Mezcal Category | Sotol
ABV | 48%
Crush | Hand crushed
Fermentation | Wooden tubs 6-10 days depending on ambient temperature
Distillation | 2-inch clay-lined stainless steel pot with a copper top. During second distillation, Sotol remains 2 weeks inside the alembic before being distilled
Aged | 15 +
Tasting Notes | Click for Tasting Notes
Mezcalero | Edmundo Enriquez
Country | Mexico
State | Chihuahua
Mezcal Category | Sotol
ABV | 48%
Crush | Hand crushed
Fermentation | Wooden tubs 6-10 days depending on ambient temperature
Distillation | 2-inch clay-lined stainless steel pot with a copper top. During second distillation, Sotol remains 2 weeks inside the alembic before being distilled
Aged | 15 +
Tasting Notes | Click for Tasting Notes