Celebrating Las Chingonas del Mezcal
In the years we have been covering mezcal and the changes in the category, one of the most profound has been the emergence of women. While women have always been part of mezcal, their presence has usually been in the background as we have previously written about.
Women are now front and center in mezcal, and do everything from produce mezcal, manage the mezcal making process, run the family business, consult for brands looking to enter the market, promote mezcal, educate consumers and more. Their stories are a crucial part of the history and evolution of mezcal and I am looking forward to telling them.
During my recent trip to Mexico I have had the incredible opportunity to meet some of these women. It has not been an easy road for them, and the obstacles they have faced, and continue to face, are real yet they have persevered and defined themselves as they want. Meet these Chingonas del Mezcal.

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