Los Amantes

Initially a tiny mezcaleria in Oaxaca that was a project of Oaxacan artist Willy Olguin, it grew into a brand that is now exported beyond Mexico. It is produced in Tlocolula and has the distinction of bearing NOM 001X. It is produced by Maestro Mezcalero Eric Hernandez who has also produced mezcal for El Sacrificio and Ilegal Mezcal.
“Los Amantes (‘The Lovers’), is inspired by the Aztec legend of Mayahuel, who fell in love with the great god Quetzalcoatl.
According to the legend, beautiful Mayahuel was granddaughter of Tzintzinmitl, an evil goddess of darkness and bitter enemy of Quetzalcoatl. Mayahuel was forbidden to go out. She risked losing her life if she tried to desobey her grandmother’s orders. One night Quetzalcoatl turned into the wind and released Mayahuel from her prision. During the escape the couple fell in love. Furious, Tzintzinmitl pursued the lovers.
To protect themselves, Quetzalcoatl and Mayahuel transformed into a tree, hoping this would conceal them. However the evening stars shined bright and revealed them. Full or rage, Tzintzinmitl cast a bolt of lightning at the tree, killing her granddaughter.
In his grief Quetzalcoatl scattered the remains of Mayahuel. From her charred ashes grew the first agave, a plant with unique nourishing properties. Mayahuel became the goddess of agave and the story of mezcal will always remember The Lovers.”